Planning your move when you have kids can be a difficult, but it doesn’t always have to be. When it comes to moving, there are a lot of mixed emotions that the whole family can feel – excitement, nervousness, happiness, and sadness, all at once! Kids may especially have a hard time with moving if they feel like they are established in their school and extracurricular activities, and if they have a good friend group. There is no “right age” to wait to move for your kids, so if an opportunity arises that you feel is best for you and your family, you should definitely take it.

We have pulled together some tips on how you can make your move as painless as possible for your family, and especially your kids. Check them out here:


Honesty is the best policy when it comes to your move. 

First off, make sure that you are being honest with your kids when it comes to your move. This includes reasons why you are moving, as well as when the move will be taking place. For example, are you moving because your job is relocating you? Are you moving to be closer to family? Or are you moving because you are looking to downsize or move into a larger home? Make sure to tell your kids in a simple and direct way, while also being sensitive to their feelings about the move. Remember that they may not take the news great at first, but they will appreciate the honesty and eventually come to terms with it! 


Involve your kids in your move and make it fun. 

Once your kids are aware of your move, it is time to make it as fun as possible! You can do this by involving your kids in the process of your move and allowing them to feel like they are helping to make some of the big decisions. This can include checking out listings together, narrowing down homes, and visiting open houses together. And, once you have purchased your new home and have a set move-in date, make packing up the house an event and something that is enjoyable for the kids (as enjoyable as packing can be!) Plus, continue to remind your kids of how exciting it will be when they are able to totally decorate their new rooms just as they would like to! 


Take a trip to the new neighborhood ahead of the move. 

Your kids want to feel comfortable in their new space, and the best way to get them comfortable is to show them around their new neighborhood, and new home, if you are able to get inside ahead of time. When you are exploring your new town and neighborhood, be sure to check out some specific kid-friendly activities that will excite them, such as any parks or playgrounds that are in the area, as well as ice cream shops or candy stores. Once they get a sense of familiarity, they will feel more “at home” once the time comes for them to permanently move. 


Get involved in the community after you move. 

Once you move, make sure to prioritize getting your kids settled before unpacking the rest of the home, this way they will be able to acclimate as fast as possible. Once you have their new schools all set up, look for some opportunities to get involved in the community. This will not only help your kids to make friends but will also help you to meet some parents and also potentially make some new friends! If your kids are into sports, this is an awesome way to meet new families, but otherwise, check out any opportunities to paint, write, join book clubs, play in a band, or volunteer in the area!

Author: milestonerealty

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