Listed by: Derek Darosa from Milestone Realty, Inc.
Lead your operation and grow your business from this awesome office space! Enough for all of your operational needs! Have a small 3 person meeting in your office or hold larger meetings in the available conference room. In a prime location on Rte. 28 in Middleboro, you’ll have access to highways and amenities. This building is meticulously maintained and a joy to work out of.
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IDX Broker View full listing details
Price: $ $600
Address: 43 E Grove St 6 City: Middleboro County: Plymouth State: Massachusetts MLS: 73323594 Square Feet: 150 Acres: 1.33 Lot Square Feet: 1.33 acres Bathrooms: 2
zoning: NA taxYear: 2024 directions: USE GPS. disclosures: $600 a month. FIRST/LAST/SECURITY One year lease. All utilities included as well as trash and snow removal. lotSizeArea: 1.33 businessType: Professional/Office lotSizeUnits: Acres taxBookNumber: 49101 taxAnnualAmount: 10328 buildingAreaUnits: Square Feet farmLandAreaUnits: Square Feet zoningDescription: Legal Conforming
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