How to Create a Wishlist for Your Dream Home 

How to Create a Wishlist for Your Dream Home 

So, you have gone through the process of getting pre-approved and now you know exactly what you can afford when it comes to your first or next home. It is important to know exactly what your budget is and what is feasible for you financially before you begin shopping around for your dream home so […]

First Walkthrough for Your Home? Here’s What You Should Remember

First Walkthrough for Your Home

First Walkthrough for Your Home? Here’s What You Should Remember If it is your first time scheduling a walkthrough for your home when it is on the market, there are several key things that you should remember to make sure that your home has the best first impression possible. The walkthrough is extremely important as […]

Why Everyone Needs a Walk-In Closet in Their Home

Why Everyone Needs a Walk-In Closet in Their Home

Why Everyone Needs a Walk-In Closet in Their Home There are certain things when shopping for a new home that are deal breakers for people. Is the kitchen big enough? Are there enough bathrooms throughout the home? What does the landscape look like? Or, if you are super into fashion, shoes, and accessories, you will […]

Best Indoor Plants for Your Home – And Their Benefits! 

Best Indoor Plants for Your Home – And Their Benefits! 

Best Indoor Plants for Your Home – And Their Benefits!  If you are not yet a plant person – now is the time to start! Indoor plants are great for decoration, but also provide several benefits, including cleaning the overall environment, increasing humidity, keeping air temperatures down, removing pollutants, and reducing dust levels! When it […]

What is Your Preferred Kitchen Vibe?

Kitchen Design

What is Your Preferred Kitchen Vibe? When it comes to interior design, many say that the style of one’s home can tell a lot about who they are from a personality standpoint. This is very true when it comes to how someone’s kitchen is designed – in terms of layout and format as well as […]

Get Your Patio Ready For Summer

Prep Your Patio for summer!

It’s officially the summertime! All of our dreams of laying back, relaxing and spending time on our patios is finally here. If you have not already prepped your patio for the warm months, don’t fear! We have pulled together some tips on how you can prep your patio for an awesome summer with family and […]

Save Time and Money Renovating Your Home

Save Time and Money Renovating Your Home

Are you stuck at home looking for something new to work on? You have already completed your household tasks; you have spent time relaxing and have nothing left on your plate for the day. What better time than to start on some needed home renovations?! When it comes to a home, there is always a […]

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